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bobbysalsero aus Frankfurt schrieb am 1. Oktober 2019
The following six titles songs and reviews are for Frank Rohles new CD “ Trapped In A New World PT 1

Overture begins with soft violins and cellos that relax you not expecting what comes next, an explosion of fiery rock jams presented by Frank that are simply out of this world!! Marc follows with a display of passionate keyboard presentation which is quite amazing. This track is a mixture of various rock styles to include Queen and ending with a touch of heavy metal.

The Starting Point features Micheal Sadler, the famed and distinguished singer from Saga. Hearing Michael again is enlightening and brings me back to the days of Saga. His exceptionally smooth voice and style is a perfect addition to this CD. This cut is reminiscent to E.L.O or The Beatles due to it’s wonderful hormonic blend . The heavy riffs from Frank is a definite highlight to this musical craft in part due to his spectacular guitar licks which are double tracked, this to me is a extraordinary enhancement to say the least.

Hold him in your arms starts as a classic symphony with Marc displaying his exceptional keyboard talents. Violins soon follows in a Melodie that carry you away in delightful bliss, then watch out as Frank begins jamming his electric guitar in hard rock style. Micheal and Frank finish off this track in perfect vocal harmony. This track is a fusion of various rock styles, definitely a musical gem.

Where we are going begins with violins which completely relax you when suddenly a blast of heavy metal guitar chops break in. What intrigued me was Frank’s voice which is featured in both synthesized and normal vocal tones which are doubled tracked as was done in guitar section of previous tracks. In general this production is reminiscent of Led Zeppelin styled music.

Now that your gone has splendid acoustic to the resemblance of David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. This is a romantic rock song which Transcends into a mixture of classic symphonies and spectacular electric guitar licks from Frank.

Tumbling down is one of favorite songs in this project because Frank, Marc and Acki are tremendously submerged in all aspects of this album. It encompasses a superlative mixture of precision and sharpness by drummer Ack Jansen. His performance throughout this two year project along with Marc´s outstanding keyboard performance is a presentation to be remembered. This track ends in with Frank in a mesmerizing guitar solo.

This is a collaboration which I had the pleasure of listening for many hours since its release a week ago. I would highly recommend this outstanding project not only to many fans of Frank but to everybody in general. An absolute must for your Rock collection. What are you waiting for? Order and enjoy now!!